
How we can help
The Q Step Academy offers a range of ideas, resources and support for teachers in Secondary Schools.
Our aim is the raise the profile of social statistics so you will find lesson plans, activities and quizzes which make the link between maths and the social sciences.
The resources are free to be used and adapted and tie closely to the Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland.
We’re always looking to develop links with other schools in the future, so please get in touch if you’re interested.

Scotland by numbers:
How well do you know Scotland?
This resource will get your students thinking about the population and population change in Scotland, while also developing an understanding of social research methods and ways of presenting data, for example in charts, graphs, and percentages.

Scotland by numbers: How well do you know Scotland? (PDF)

Scotland by numbers: How well do you know Scotland?(PDF)

Quiz with answers
Scotland by numbers: How well do you know Scotland? (PDF)

A Picture of Crime Scotland - Using Statistics to Understand Crime in Scotland
This resource will get your students thinking about crime in Scotland, while also developing an understanding of social research methods and ways of presenting data, for example in charts, graphs, and percentages.

Scotland by numbers: A Picture of Crime – Using Statistics to Understand Crime in Scotland (PDF)

A Picture of Crime Scotland? Quiz! (PDF)

Quiz with answers
A Picture of Crime Scotland? Quiz with answers (PDF)
Useful websites

UK Data Service resources for schools and colleges
Activities and quizzes for schools covering findings from key UK surveys.

UK Data Service teaching resources
Teaching datasets, for teachers interested in using real world survey data in their teaching.

UK Data Service Open data
Open Source Dataset.

Social Science for Schools
Social Science activities for Schools.

Our World in Data
Research and interactive data visualizations to understand the world’s largest problems.

Why numbers matter?
Nine short animated clips showcasing the role of statistics in understanding real life issues.